In the Face of Chronic Stress


We have all had to “pivot” with the extra challenges we have faced in past several months. These new challenges personally and/or professionally, in addition to our existing obligations and packed schedules, has led many of us to feeling chronic stress.  Chronic stress increases inflammation, which, in turn, increases anxiety and depression.

Experts have long known a relationship exists between stress, blood sugar and belly fat.  In the face of chronic stress, insulin increases.  This drives the relentless metabolic dysfunction that leads to weight gain, insulin resistance and ultimately diabetes. 

When you’re stressed, your adrenal glands release hormones like adrenaline and cortisol that flood your system, raising your heart rate, increasing your blood pressure, making your blood more likely to clot, damaging your brain’s memory center, and generally wreaking havoc on your body!


So what can we do about it?

Find what what calms your body and practice regularly.  I use a variety of modalities.  I watch my thoughts.  Are they not serving me?  I take three deep breaths – it’s impossible to think stress thoughts when you are really breathing deeply, I change my environment by going outside and sitting in the sun or taking a brief walk.  I hug my dog.  I also use high intensity  workouts:  yoga flow and sculpt to music or a beach run.  In addition, using your creativity like cooking and baking is very therapeutic.  Baking a batch of granola has saved me many a days!

My favorite Recipes to Help With Chronic Stress:

  1. ONE

  2. TWO

  3. THREE




Holiday Green Bean Salad